Uncategorized 15 May 2023

Blades and Boardrooms: Unleashing Iaido’s Secrets for Business Triumph

I’ve talked before about my interest in, and long-time practice of, iaido. It’s a personal journey that I started on many years ago – almost by accident. I was looking for kendo, but the closest club I could find was in Toronto and that was simply too far to go for regular instruction and practice. Having done some karate as a youth, I knew that self-practice and ‘training on my own’ just wouldn’t cut it. By chance, my wife found a local iaido instructor for me and I thought I’d try it out. I’d never heard of it, but it looked intriguing. More than 13 years later, I’m still learning.

One of the offshoots of this training, probably because I started later in life, was that I found parallels between the practice of iaido and other parts of my life. I’ve noticed that I tend to have a more holistic view of the world as I grow older. When you’re a child, you look at everything in silos. I’m going to school now. I’m doing my chores now. I’m going to karate class now. In between, we tend not to think of the silos. 

As I’ve gotten older, I see that everything is connected. 

I’ve been in the real estate industry since 1996 and the psychology of sales and the philosophy of martial arts became more and more linked as I’ve learned about each.

In the realm of martial arts, the art of Iaido stands out as a discipline that combines grace, precision, and mental fortitude. As I delved into the intricate movements and philosophies behind this ancient Japanese practice, surprising parallels emerge between the world of Iaido and the realm of business. Both require discipline, strategy, adaptability, and focus. In this blog post, I’ll explore a little of how the principles and mindset cultivated in Iaido can be applied to the dynamic challenges and opportunities encountered in the business world.

  1. Discipline and Mastery  

In Iaido, discipline and mastery are fundamental. Practitioners spend years honing their techniques and perfecting their form. Similarly, in the business world, discipline is the cornerstone of success. Entrepreneurs and professionals must commit to continuous learning, refining their skills, and expanding their knowledge base. Just as a skilled Iaido practitioner develops muscle memory through countless repetitions, business leaders must dedicate themselves to developing expertise in their respective fields. As one of our sales people puts it, “You have to put in the reps to get good at it. Just put in the reps.”

  1. Presence and Focus  

One of the central tenets of Iaido is achieving a state of presence and unwavering focus (called seme and zanshin). The practitioner must be fully immersed in the moment, aware of their surroundings and ready to respond instantaneously. In business, being present and focused is equally vital. The ability to concentrate on the task at hand while remaining aware of the ever-changing market dynamics is crucial. Just as a successful Iaido practitioner anticipates the opponent’s move, business leaders need to be proactive and stay ahead of their competition.

  1. Adapting to Change  

Iaido teaches practitioners to adapt to changing circumstances. The art emphasizes the need to adjust one’s technique and strategy depending on the opponent’s actions. Similarly, in business, adaptability is key. Successful companies and entrepreneurs embrace change, proactively adjusting their strategies to meet evolving market conditions. Those who resist change may find themselves outmaneuvered and left behind, much like an Iaido practitioner who fails to adapt to their opponent’s unexpected moves.

  1. Strategy and Timing  

Iaido places great importance on strategy and timing. Each movement in Iaido is deliberate and calculated, designed to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. In the business world, strategy and timing play an equally crucial role. Entrepreneurs and business leaders must make informed decisions, considering market conditions, customer preferences, and competitive landscape. Just as an Iaido practitioner carefully times their strikes, business professionals must seize opportunities when they arise, utilizing a well-thought-out strategy.

The parallels between Iaido and the world of business are striking. Both demand discipline, focus, adaptability, and strategic thinking. Just as a skilled Iaido practitioner masters their art through dedication and practice, successful business leaders forge their path through continuous learning, resilience, and adaptability. By drawing inspiration from the philosophies and principles of Iaido, entrepreneurs and professionals can enhance their performance, embrace change, and navigate the challenges of the business world with grace and resilience.